That is correct. no country in the world has a fertility rate of over 8. Nor did I state that any country did have a rate of 8. Get your facts straight. There are a couple countries over 7.0., however, and guess what? They are Muslim countries.
I have not idea what the Muslim fertility rate is in Belgium or the Netherlands, but I think it is safe to assume that it is higher that the rates for non-Muslims, which are low. Also, ongoing immigration is a factor in the increasing proportion of the population, which is Muslim. And this is not the first time that I have heard that the Netherlands will one day be a Muslim nation, so, apparently, that info is coming from more than one source.
Not all Muslim states have high fertility rates. The former Soviet states, the North African states, and also Iran are have more moderate rates.
Well, there are things that could happen in the next 15 to 40 years, which could alter the trends. But, if trends continue as they are, and there is no indication yet that they won't, then the EU will end up being a majority Muslim, if not in 15 or 40 years, then at a later date. When you have declining non-Muslim birth rates, and high Muslim birth rates, plus continued Muslim immigration, then it is inevitable, unless they stop being Muslims, and it doesn't look like that is likely to happen. It is possible that their birth rates won't always be so high in the 2nd and 3rd generations living in Europe, but that would likely mean more immigration from the Muslim countries, IMHO, as birth rates are not the only factor influencing this somewhat amazing, and to some, shocking phenomenon.
You sound like you are awfully threatened by the truth. It may not be what a lot of people who like to think was happening, but facts are facts, and it is difficult to avoid seeing the implication of them.
BTW, I have no agenda to push or axe to grind here. I live in the US, which is not very much affected by Muslim immigration, but mainly by Latino immigration, and they are Christians. I was very surprised when I first heard of this Muslimization phenomenon, a year or two ago, and view it only as a fascinated, objective outside observer.