They are using real photos because they were caught using fake photos, and that was not all that long ago. They have been caught shilling a lot of times. They have to get their act together. A month ago, they were offering free entry, meaning no $55 charge at the door. I was told that the only way I could get free entry was to take the Thai massage for $100 for only half an hour. While there was a small discount, it was not much of a bargain. I could do better elsewhere. Last easter Sunday. Their ad said $20 for 20 minutes. When I called the girl insited it was $25. I will stop wasting my time with a place where I have had mixed experiences and have in the past gave me BS. The numerous times they were caught shilling has to tell you something.I do not know of any other place that has been caught shilling so many times. Nor another place that has been caught using fake pics.