Get in touch with Gysell (see her thread) I am pretty sure that at least one of her friends speaks english or try Patricia/Nailea (see her thread) who is revered for her massage capabilities (don't know if she does outcall or if you have to go see her).
Don't let a lack of spanish get in the way. Go to the appropriate massage threads, find someone you want (easier if it is near your hotel) call them. When the person answering starts in spanish, say:
Lo siento, no hablo espanol (sounds like "low cee-ento, no ablow espan-ol) and means: I'm sorry, I don't speak spanish
then: hay alguien que habla Inglés (sounds like "eye al-gee-en kay abla eenglace") and means is there someone who speaks english?
If they put someone on the line that speaks english, you're in biz. If not, you can try to muddle your way through or hang up.
Similarly, get the addresses of a couple places near your hotel, go ring the door bell. When the come on the speaker, say "hola.ja-mo [insert name here]" when they buzz you in, go to the appropriate apartment. When you go in tell the madam "no hablo espanol." If she hesitates follow with "donde las chicas?" She will go get them. Pick out the one you want. You don't need much more spanish. Know the prices in advance and pay only what you know to be the price (el precio - pronounce "pray-see-oh"). If you hear the word "propina" she is looking for a tip. Depending upon what she wants the tip for, you can either acknowledge ("si propina") or pretend you have no idea what she is saying.