That's what happens why you have a jew running a country full of Christians and Muslims. The jew are all too eager to get their human population killed.
The cowardly APARTHEID israeli jew have been crying about Iran and their "3-6 months away from a nuclear weapon" for DECADES, but only try to push the amerikkkan regime into killing and dieing for them. The cowardly jew love killing but are afraid of death as they know eternity in Hell awaits them, so they don't attack countries like Iran that can and will fight back.
The same hour an APARTHEID israeli or their amerikkkan regime homos drops a bomb on Iran, missiles will fall like rain on hel aviv and haifa, executing tens of thousands of jew criminal occupiers. And the cowardly jew know it. So they attack Syria, Lebanon, the Native Palestinian children... instead.
And while the BRAVE Native Palestinians have been fighting for THEIR LAND AND HOMES for over 70 YEARS, the cowardly jew got on trains and boats like pigs and cattle to flee THEIR homes in Germany, infest Palestine, amerikkka, USSR... And all the countries that permitted the jew entry have been either destroyed already (Palestine, USSR) or on the way to destruction (amerikkka, Canada).
The jew are parasites. And like all parasites, they can't survive on their own and ALWAYS destroy their hosts. #BOYCOTTjewBUSINESSES #BDS
And just put the jew here on "ignore" like I did, so you don't even see their lies and hate when they post their APARTHEID israeli hasbara filth.