What do you think man,

pretty obvious. Just go like a true gent with balls and cash. Book her, and tell her u Want to pump her up bare. Don't look pathetic and brush your teeth wear some cologne. Easy peasy. Just be a fun discreet client, you'll usually find decent to great mileage if you present yourself In a sensible way and are up front about what you want. Extra tips would be like 200 for bbfs, and again, no one is actually racist, like I said originally, dress nice and smell good and 90% of the time what you look like won't matter that much. God help you if you are very overweight though. I think she also does multiple shots in a half hour if that's your thing. Kitty is SUPER easy going with services, ymmv.
Don't go asking the booking people or anyone about anything, in my experiences most girls will do bb with anyone if you know how to approach them and speak to them like a normal human. It's always better to be discreet and ask the specific girl in person for things like bare- keep the agents and bookers out of that discussion and just book time. Trust me everyone appreciates it.
Personally, I get an idea of a girls menu and don't play the beauty pageant game. I always try to build a 1on1 relationship with an SP to see multiple times, usually I will ensure she knows I picked her personally and want to work with her, and that approach usually nets rewards.
OK might not be all but you'll hit all the ones that do offer bbf. There are girls out there who won't though for any price, and that's because of lack of bc and other reasons why bbf is completely off the table.