I am really tempted with Daisy. I dated a Chinese girl in my teens and I remember playing on the couch in her basement with her parents upstairs, getting her shirt & bra off! I would love to relive those days.

Daisy just recently… seemed like new Daisy 2.0!

OMG What a difference …
I’m there 2c Rica… gal’s lotsa fun BTW… they all no bcuz I made apptmnt… 2b clear, I didn’t have sesh w Daisy that day…
… & Daisy comes out smiling @ me same time as Rica… she has blazing perfect smile & those adorable dimples…

… even walks down the hall as I walk w Rica 2 the rm… I pop out dressed in a towel 4 quick

shower… she waves 2 me again!
Totally different girl

… when I visited b4, she didn’t even look up, playing on her

phone… no smile… seemed like barely interested in clients or her job… now? She made me wanna change girls!
… I always enjoy it when a girl’s prettier than I remember… Rica’s like that… she joked that as a child, they teased her about her full lips

, but “the guys all like them now!” Rica also has fairly big pretty eyes that I forgot… & she’s bright & engaged the whole time… xxxtras & her cheerfulness = reason I picked Rica over

Daisy… it’s still a gd reason…
… Daisy’s gotta remember our finale last time… somehow I convinced her 2 gimme

HE … she made heavy eye contact, didn’t look into space or @ the clock…
Does Daisy 2.0 … do a bit more on repeats? Or… was it just yesterday? Just me? Or is she like this w everyone now? Restrictive YMMV Daisy 1.0 = Already very popular… this version might b a budding superstar…

… or mebbe she goes back into the shell when the door closes, gives xxxtras only 2 some guys

… frankly I doubt that

… but dunno.
… since Sophie’s back today, guys who want hi mileage guaranteed

(within SL limits) w a youthful body can just try her… or Rica, who comes in @ 2pm
I nvr got a glimpse of Nat yesterday… busiest gal @ the spa… legit only msg… it’s funny how many guys wonder why a girl can b popular @ a spa when she’s does no xxxtras… it’s very gd msg

& it doesn’t hurt she’s sexy & cute…