U got me there…

… one of ‘m doing xxxtras YMMV… but denies allotta guys still (losing out on tips) so we can’t put + after her name…
I like 2 emphasize that… LOSING OUT IN TIPS & GUYS AVOIDING

… just so she can think about it seriously …
Bcuz that’s the reality… if u skip the hj w some guys, they nvr repeat w u + tell their friends 2 avoid + msgplanet guys avoid = WAY less $$$….
Its funny that sexy milfs Lola & Amy make way more $$$ w less clients… laffing all the way 2 the bank
Cute giggly adorable Cecelia’s another gr8 xxample… a young gal who still does lotsa fun xxxtras w verve, energy & personality … lotsa repeat clients who give GENEROUS tips
