Nvr gonna get a fair contest…

… 2 date, Cherry wins the walk-in war every day she works… but Cecelia has huge # of regular clients who visit her wkly & rarely stray…
Lessay Cecelia just finished a client 10 min ago… a reg… & Cherry just finished a walkin

15 min ago… whose turn is it? Cherry’s. Then Cecelia’s reg client walks in 15 min later… So Cherry’s getting all the walkins but Cecelia’s got 7 appntmts, 1 walkin… did Cherry win?
Not really.
Ofc some guys wanna c a lineup, & then it could b Cecelia vs Cherry…. But seriously, Cecelia’s got lotsa regs, & Cherry’s busy 2, so they dont go head2head much…
…. Meanwhile, Erica, Vivi, & Sophie sit back quietly, delighting any guys lucky enuf 2 grab them…. But I digress…