Gdness, not even yer regulat day… ofc big advantage, yer fave aint around 2 notice!
Asking Cherry 2 use her

knees = fairly brilliant! Seriously, she doesnt currently have upper body strength 2 apply hard pressure, but she nose where those spots are… & shes pretty small, not short but tiny frame, so even her whole weight aint gonna kill y’a …
Convo weak? Really? I had no issues… I guess Im use2 chatting w foreign gals…
Head2toe of that petite lil spinner, she’s hot!

… she’s gotta flirty dirty side if u push her buttons… very unxxxpectedly 4me since this gal comes f/ the very straight legit msg world…
Anybody neeing 2 try some Vietnamese today, try her friend Lilian this afternoon… dunno if she’s got the msg chops but cute enuf…