Friends, writing this FR as I do not have anything much to do today.
6-8 weeks ago i visited Cal, I wanted to try something different apart from SG, thought I was getting bored with my routine process at SG.
I dont have any good indie contacts, but somehow got hold of few contacts at Cal,
I dont want to go into those details, but overall my experience was not good and I felt with Indies its waste of time and energy (unless u have direct recommendations).
was upset with myself for leaving my beautiful and precious frds at SG, and wasting time with these indies.
In my next trip decided to try the best of my frds at SG, and this FR is about this trip where I want to remove that useless memories and fill back with my beauties.
this was 4-5 weeks ago, again landed in Cal.
All the navagrahas are favoring me this time I guess, because all my favorite and close frds are available. few girls who went back home ,have again comeback.
so it was marvellous to meet all of them again in 3 days. had around 2-3 sessions per day.also tried 1-2 new chicks, they were also splendid.
As mentioned in my previous posts, i visit afternoon or ealry evening. I got used to girls taking bath and dressing infront of me. we have tea/snacks together and then start. now being regular, even my pimp doesnt look for time. (even if its well past 1 hour or sometimes even 2 hours just chit chatting).
these days got used to breakfast sessoins , where i go in the morning as well. (only if someone is planning, either slept early or coming back from home)
but SG is becoming costly, not all girls deserve 4200/-. it has become common to quote 4200 now a days, despite having low business.
anyone tried 3200/- , 2400-/- etc ( now, very few quality buildings left at this range or my pimp doesnt inform me at all ?? not sure)
request, u guys share ur experience