Cherry asked for 60 for HJ... not gonna see her again. Its unfortunate because she is probably one of the best girls in the market in terms of massage skills.Brother, $140 can get you alot.
Room fee 1hr $60.
Tipping $80 Will get you Nude, BS, digits, daty, HJ. Again it depends on which girl you try, which I can recommend so you are not
Even like $100...can get you 1hr massage $60 and $40 hand Job.... I guess it depends on what kind of mileage you looking
I usually tip 50... but the greed killed the mood for me. She comes off cold and doesn't really give eye contact at all.
9/10 massage - very strong, good technique
7/10 tease
6/10 finish - no eye contact or smile but pretty good with her hands
7/10 visual - fit with small melons