Actually, I've had this happen on a couple of occasions with different girls. One in particular seemed to like me a lot and wasn't concerned much about the money. She was more concerned when I didn't show up as often as she liked. Another, who I've seen several times would say, after I saw her for a one hour session, "usually I get xx for half an hour and most guys give me a little more for longer sessions, so whatever you want is fine". Another on occasion would like me to come in and just lie down with her and tickle her back and chat for the entire session, no charge, that was enjoyable too.
In this case, she seems genuine and I'll take her word and assume she meant as she said and didn't have some other motive for acting as she did. As far as coffee/lunch sometime, that would be great and I'd love to do that with her sometime. It may be possible. I will continue to see her for sure, she knows that.
Interesting comments though. I really don't think I've fallen for any tricks.
Just a side note: No one should assume that I'm talking about Alanna in any of the examples I mentioned above. The question about 'just wanting cash' just happened to come up in this thread. Any assumptions would be pure speculation and probably wrong.