Panocha Eater
Meh luv deh Poom Poom!!
are you saying he is a shill? but when he says "morning" , it could have been anytime during the morning....that's a huge timing person's morning could be someone else's night or vice-versa.I don't believe you seen her yesterday morning as I was with her at 9:15 am yesterday morning.
You don't even know the time he went you consider 10am also morning? or 10:30am also morning? Have you considered he might have visited at that time? Anyhow, why are you so caught up with you actually being there rather than him if you two were there to see her at the same time ? (Which probably wasn't at the same time)
But man, let it go, who cares if he or you were there seeing long as you know yourself that you were there, that's all that matters. let the other dude think whatever he wants to believe....dude, you had to post "....."th times on this thread just to let people know that "YOU" were at the spa at "9:15am" in the morning and saw Mona....get over it...just my two cents, I know you didn't ask, but damn, just seeing those posts annoyed the shit out of me.