Active Member
Crazy replying to my own post but ........Just to show why I sometimes have misgivings about doing reviews with names or too much info.Totally agree with you. I was self critical of my first reviews at a semi. Even though I did not mention BJ or FS I might have left it open to the inquisitive minds.
After penning a review I found out that a MFer who saw her a few days after my review apparently showed it to the MPA.
Most likely to curry favor ......who knows.
I heard from a reliable source she was not a happy camper and was trying to figure out who had written the review.
Sure enough when I went back to the next session I felt she might have suspected me .
The review was all complementary but she obviously saw something in it she did not like or maybe did care for a review at all.
Needless to say our session was a little tense and lacking to fireworks of the original session.
Fortunately we have been back on track and it is all forgotten.