Decided to catch up with a Snr Monger at B&R in CH at 4pm. mpter a couple of drinks ('thumps up' for me) + KF beer for the "King" and his Reviewiend, the 3 of us decided to hit the brothels of CH & NL
1) Place 1: Ground floor, 1st door next to iron gate: Quality of women were 4-6. The "King" chose his regular while his Reviewiend and I watched others walk in an haggle with the pimp. Most were getting screwed by the pimps. The "King" finished and took us to place 2.
2) Place 2: Few doors down, walked in, 1st floor..Girls ok..I was still not happy..Was looking for a fair and slim girl.
3) Place 3: Sheesh Mahal...Saw the girls and almost puked. A couple of them looked like they had skin disease. Walk out in 2 mins
4) NL: Surendars place: 1st line up bad..2nd was good...3rd was fkin awesome babe dressed in sari..I felt like jumpin on her.Looked like a 8/10 to me for Rs 1700. Suddenly we saw some guy running in and locking the door..We were ushered thru the back..LE probs. My balls were in my mouth but the "King" was calm and cool and insisted we stay back cos he is untouchable there..LOL. I insisted that we leave and the "King" was not too happy as he had a target of 4 in 4 hours and i think i messed his plan.
5) NL: Called up Ramesh and he said "Garam hai, idhar math aana", but the "King" said WTF...No one can touch me..LOL...I dragged the King out and said lets go back to CH
6) CH: Went to a place near Kuteer Bar. Saw 3 Fkin awesome babes!!! Cost Rs 650...Yes 650!!!! I ain Fkin jokin...i would have paid upto 2-3K easily or more..The "King", his Reviewiend and I jumped into our respective rooms and banged and banged and banged..Doggy was amazing, they were Reviewiendly, smiling, cute...Man i cant believe i paid 650 for a white beauty.
7) CH: The "King" had his 2nd shot in 3 hours..Then we walked back to B&R in CH and was stopped by one of "Kings" old buddy..I was not keen becos of the LE prob, so me & "Kings" Reviewiend stayed down. The "King" came down mpter 5 mins..He looked dazed..I wonder what was wrong..Apparantly he had seen a punjabi beauty who he was rating 10/10. Maybe her eyes mesmerised him. She was ready for Rs 2700. He was ready for Shot-3..I was like "WTF, Are u a stud or what?? Lets get out of here" (not b4 I took the pimps no Reviewom the king ;-) )
8) B&R: Had something to drink and the "King" was ready to visit more.."Kings" Reviewiend was tired Reviewom a late night, so i was lucky i had some support to convince the "King" that we had enough and we should head home
9) Stopped at a couple of place in Nagpada, etc and picked up some amazing kebabs man!!!! "King" is not only the king of mongering in CH and NL, but he is also a "Foodie King"...Man, the kebabs we had gave me and the "King" enough energy to go back to CH & Bang another babe..I did not raise the idea with the "King" as he would have jumped at the opportunity
10) Stopped at a sweet shop near Grant Rd (I think) and pick up awesome gulab jamuns..
11) The king dropped me 1/2 way home and we decided that every mongering outing MUST be combined with a kebab&chicken orgy as well.
To sum it all I think i met a Reviewiend who is truly a "KING" in many sort of ways...