I, myself, cannot vouch for King Supreme, nor can I for pudgy, but come on folks, enough already. As in all other forums, THEY, and many other fans of Fuji, are simply sharing THEIR experiences. And, remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is within your right to patronize Fiju based on THEIR "reviews." I did, and, I will admit that not all my experiences were good, and none were at the level King Sumpreme, and others, had described. But, the good times I did have I had when I went to their eastside location. I have been there 4 times already, and each, and every, time, I was with a very attractive girl, IMHO, and I had a great time - age was not a factor. The bottom line is take all "reviews" here, and in other threads, with stride - they are just that - accounts written by the writer as he experienced it, the way he saw it. It may be exaggerated, it may not be. But, don't get me wrong, I am NOT sitting here writing this to vouch for any of the girls at Fuji. What I am doing is commending King Supreme, and others, for their "reviews." I have not gone back to Fuji in some time since I have enjoyed better, consistent experiences elsewhere, but, I will admit that each, and every time, I read a "review" here, I am that much more tempted. Keep it coming King! Peace.