Known Reviewer
You're right on, from what I heard about her. She is definitely a talker, and she may offer FS to her regular clients. Did she offer FS to you? Also, her duo partner at the Spa was Jennifer Rain. She still provides service. I may be interested in seeing her.I am not the most experienced person here so my input might not be super useful but to me she was great. She is very talkative, by far the most talkative I have seen before. She was was into roleplay when I visited her and genuinely seems open to a lot of things. Obviously YMMV and people said she used to escort many years ago so I would assume if you are a regular customer you can get extra services but again YMMV. Overall, I thought she was fantastic, great breasts, great personality and it genuinely seems she cares about pleasing the customer(which unfortunately has not been the case with some providers which is why this site is useful). I think she is in her late 30s but I find older and younger women equally attractive. If you need more insight there are other people who have mentioned here on this website.