Had the pleasure of meeting the new girl Victoria and would like to share my experience briefly.
Victoria is a well mannered girl in her low 30 and you will feel comfortable and relaxed in the room with her. She can engage in conversation fluently and she is a type of girl you want to talk to her.
What impressed me most was Victoria's massage skills. She can do Thai stretching which is a good pre-massaging exercise. Victoria has a passion for massage as I can tell from the movements of her hands, fore arms and feet on my body. She used the appropriate hard or soft force on different spots on my body. She found out the stiffness of my back which warranted a thorough back walking. But there were no ceiling bars in the room. Victoria took the trouble to move me with the massage table to a place near the wall and she did the back walking on my body while she leaned forwards the wall. It was not an easy posture. Really appreciate Victoria's efforts in massaging me well.
She even used her imagination of a body being a tree. She would take care of trunk before the branches. At that time, on my mind coming out of a line "I have a half hidden little branch needs to be taken care of too".

Of course, I did not speak out what on my mind. Victoria's massage is all professional and effective.
After 45 minutes of enjoyable massage, the fun part started. I do not want to provide details here but she is definitely one of most open minded girls in JR. I was a pleasantly surprised for Victoria's efforts in pleasing me (within the semi limit). I an observation that if a girl is good at massage, the fun part is lacking (a good example is the ex-JR Minnie). But Victoria trumps in both departments.

No wonder Victoria is so popular in other spas in Markham and Vaughan. I am confident that Victoria will be well received by customers at JR. An excellent addition.