Hola amigos......como estas?
Here I come up with my list of top 10 mongers.. TBH I dont know them, I haven't met them .
All have same objective and interest but pattern of executing things are different. This is my observation and ATD which made me do this.
I would also like to convey that this list is purely on the basis of effort and help fellow monger put in reaching people and helping them with what they have requested for. Konse Bar mei kon kitna paisa udata hai and konsi item kisko zyada bhaav deti hai dosent grab my intrest. I am more interested in efforts and contribution.
1 @whoami#2915 -Spa King
You love him or you hate him...It is what it is.
I initially did not liked this man that doesn't mean I like him now but what blew my mind is the fan following this man has.
people from different platforms and servers has high regards for the contribution and effort he has put in through his network.
Men who are shy and dont know the process can approach him. He will help you in all possible ways.
The man has good tie-ups with the spa's and has some good chicks in his network. Quite in demand because spa's which ask for bomb charges whoami has helped the people to get the services within their budget.
Someone ever try to talk shit about him there will be 10 others supporting him because they all have high regards about the effort he took to help them out. Now how he earns and what he earns and what he does with his money is none of anyone's business right?
Mumbai mei kuch b fokkat nahi hai bhai harr cheez ka daam hai yaha. Have the bloody balls do thing out of box and help people instead of judging and throwing dirt on people who are putting efforts and helping others in their own way.
I was recently reading something posted by a random guy that he was stuck somewhere and was looking for a service however sunny Bhai helped him
with a chick who came all the way to the destination where the guy was and had a great time within the budget. Guys are like
he is a great man always helpful. unke wajah se aukat k bahar ka bhi aukat mei mil jata hai.on public demand
2 @momslover -Die heart fan of COLDSTONE "Steve Austin" apart from that he is also into Fair skinned girls.
Big melons are his weakness....More into MILFS.
I find him sarcastic but brutally honest with his opinion very much active on a Discord group helping people to get the right chick.
Cunning punter. He can look at the pic of an Indie and tell you what's on the menu.
Pic dekh k bolega arey ye kya degi....nahi ye nahi degi,usko mil mereko lagta hai vo achcha wala degi...arey ye toh bhaag jayegi paisa leke.
Seasoned monger with a very good contacts which includes MILF and fair skinned girls ( Bloody Racist)

Buddy are you planning to take over other fellow mongers I can sniff a healthy competition. woddddddddddds brewing hot on that server?
3 @Lustking69-Like I said Lustking lives in Lala land. He cares a fuck about what's happening around.
apna kaam banta bhaad mei jayei janta types.Very less people know that Lust king goes above and beyond the boundaries to help the guys visit the place,get the right contact and taste the right chick.bass paisa hona chahiye sab paise ka khel baba.Youngest in the monegring world with high patience level. You abuse him,call him jhatoo,call him lund king he will still help you.Thoda self obsessed hai but dil ka bura nahi hai and helpful hai if you connect or approach him in a right way.
His server has all young crowd and Baby mongers who like to party hard and get sloshed on alcohol.
LK knows what the leading brand and what suits best for the person season wise, loaded and happy Hence LK is the King now.
So if you want to go for bar hopping and check on some hot chick then you may connect him. Go King Go

Tera Taaj kidhar hai Rajja.
4 Edward/Eddy
Garibo ka Sadguru hai ye admi. Very old playerm,Another gem of a person to interact with.
Intelligent Intellectual chap. Eddy contributed a lot from 2016 till 2018. He is a seasoned monger with some good contacts in central line and western line. you throw dirt on him he wont come asking why or what, He will not even intend to know the reason because according to him everyone has the same objective but the pattern they wish to follow is different hence business is all yours until and unless you know to mind it.
someone who doesn't believe in kiss and yell loud. His appetite is full and does not monger frequently but if you wish to approach him for something within your budget you may connect him.
Not only the usual objective needs but if you wish to know anything about the stock or share market go for it. He knows it all. He will help you with your queries related to career/finance business be it anything he will help you out religiously. Away from the mongering world he dont monger anymore but yeah, again someone with good network.
One of the gem I heard in this world who have contributed and helped a lot of fellow mongers with whatever they expected.
He has a very good network filled with hot Bhabhi's and Milfs.I have seen people writing on forums about how they miss
They say Chintu bhayya kaha gayab hogayei wapas ajao jo humei chahiye vo aap he dei sakte hai. Helped many men understanding their taste and people has high regards for him. Has good tie-ups with the SP's and contributed some quality Indies to the mongers who wished to have something different service wise.
Buddy I heard you took a break and decided to focus on your career. I wish you all the best and stick to what you focused on right now. May you get whatever you wish for.
@anuslap333-Again one of the experienced guy who can play with numbers. You can approach him but do it without any confusion.
He will help you out with all the details and cost you are looking for but dont expect him to be the mediator between you and that chick
you want to bang. He will not entertain you with questions that is out logic so if you are a new bee make sure
you do your research on your won first about certain Indie, and be clear about what you want and then go and communicate him.
A fellow monger who is doing whatever he can to help people with genuine contacts might come across as rude but yeah worth trusting his
contacts he provides. bro ,bhai nahi bolega ..agar tum chutiye ho toh boldega bhai chutiya ho kya itna kyu pay kiya?post that
you fallout with him or you dont approach him it doesn't matter but always helpful with whatever he can.
Seems like this guy only go for a high profiled chicks. He can tell you what's best available in the market if you looking for some high profiled classy chicks. Kindly do not go asking for Indies in 4k and 3.5k range you may have to take loan from some random online lending platform or from some bank to fulfill your desire and bang the classy chicks hence a disclaimer.
In fact I would like to Inform you guys here that the contacts he may have might not even be of regular ones these girls might be missing their ex, or some might just come for fun and not intending to earn money like the usual chicks you meet here. whatever research I have done and observed I can vouch on 1 thing he wont help you out if you dont belong to the league of bigshots. Honestly speaking I came across some classy chicks for the first time through pics posted by him on some forum. This guy definitely has awesome taste for sure. So yeah people who have lods of money and love to explore chicks from across the planet can approach him.
Isliye kehti hu jitni lambi chadar utna he lao lust wala power.
Gym lover/Massage lover-Frizzy can eat,sleep and die to glory working out in the gym.
DB girls love him finds him hot. Ask him about any SB/DB/LB
Frizzy will tell you the right place with proper counter charges and service charge of a prticular female.
Yeah so people who like to explore these territories or want to meet some hot chicks from SB/LB/DB can connect Frizzy.

Vickey bhai
Milf lovers, the ones who like to have good time with the XXL,XXXL,BBW females can definitely connect Vickey bhai. Vickey bhai have contributed a lot and has a good network with chubby females. He himself like to be with females full of asset. They Say Vickey bhai nei diya hai toh handful he hoga Hence recommended for people who loves flesh. He has some great assets in his stock

Crisp and clear Information, No nonsense, writes genuine reviews about his experience without hyping anything, he knows his limits and never engage himself in meaningless rants.
Remember the smart monger I mentioned in my previous post. I shall count him on that list. Very clear about what he want.
I am sure there are lot many people here who are helpful . I am sorry this is what I have came across so far but anything that grabs my intrest I shall definitely post it here. I am not promoting anyone but yeah I like the shit they are doing here in this world.
If you check in detail all of them have one quality in common...All have good patience level and they dont care about what people talk about them.
neither they are interested in giving any kind of explanation..Gaali deraha hai dei de bhai ye rojka hai wala attitude because they know its a filth and cant make everyone happy here. This is what I have learned or learning from them self control and patience.
Life's best lessons are often learned at the worst times and at worst place. Indeed it is true.โ