I had asked a couple of you a bunch of questions so I think it’s only fair for me to share my experience…
Being a first timer, I kept on researching between Ivy and Vivian as they work on Sunday (Christina too but her being new I wanted to do my first time with someone who’s been there for a while) so I ended up booking Vivian.
Definitely did not disappoint. She has a very friendly attitude and to my surprise her English was actually pretty decent. Not a lot of conversations which I guess most of us wanna relax anyways but there was a bunch of jokes flying around here and there which not only she understood but got involved in them as well….last one was her telling me that if it wasn’t for her hand, she would have had to clean the ceiling

The massage was good, I’m not gonna say that I never had better but honestly most rmt’s give similar level of massage which is way more than I hoped for. Her teasing started probably about 30 mins in and she takes her time which is exactly what I like. As the time goes by, the teasing becomes more and more yet while still giving you a quality massage over all. My hands started to wonder a bit towards the end and there was no sign of resistance but mind you I didn’t push it or anything, so I have a feeling she would be completely fine with me exploring some more if I went down that route.
Everytime I looked at her she had a big smile on her face and again I don’t have anyone else to compare her with but her slow build and edging technique had my fingers and toes curling. It’s rare to find someone who truly wants you to take your time, enjoy, and not be eager to get paid and for you to leave.
What impressed me even more was the fact that not only she didn’t mention the clock once but also that she never mentioned anything about tips and at the end when I handed her the financials, she didn’t even look at it or count it in front of me. I made sure to tip her decent (at least I think I did) and she deserves it but her way of doing this definitely made the environment that much more comfortable.
I will Definitely repeat with her but it makes me wonder if this could be topped by someone else at E&M

all in all tho, I’m pretty sure I found my spot lol.
With that being said, Christina was working at the front and holy crap she’s exactly my type so I hope her reviews will continue and my only hesitation is that she won’t match the experience I just had

Speaking of the reviews, I know this thread has over 200 pages but let’s make this fun again with some reviews/stories