Hawaii health spa.
3110 kingston rd.Scarborough m1m 1p2 #7
☎ : 4162618088
Host: linda
One customer came in yesterday morning, he said: linda I haven't cum for long time, I need to cum today, you have to help me to make it"
I said:" ok, you have to work hard"
So we got everything ready and I started a blow job, I blew blew and blew, but didn't work out, I changed another position blew blew and blew, still didn't make it. this customer said: " it is ok linda, I know you work hard , I don't know why, I tried I tried, I don't know why I couldn't make it."
I said: " it is ok, you take a break, don't give up, we try one more time to see what happen "
So after a little while we started work together again, and we made it! Cheers