Hawaii health spa
3110 kingston rd. Scarborough.unite 7,m1m1p2
Host: Korean girl and linda
I remember a funny view while me and coco do 4 hands together, a little bit pravite, but funny, here we go:
One customer came in do 4 hands massage, me and coco started do our parts separately , I start my massage from customer's neck with my elbow and coco started boo boo massage and rimming from customer's bum , when I did every point massage down to customer's back and bum, coco boo boo slide and kissing customer's head and neck like taking care of her own baby, I could feel coco's sweet and I continued do my work, coco was trying to avoid block my processes, when my process came down, she boo boo slide up, when I proseeed shoulder parts ,she boo boo slide and rimming bum again... later coco asked me in Chinese:" linda, let's turn custmer over ok? I feel bored , "
Me:" oh, I haven't done yet, give me some time let me hurry up and you do more boo boo slide and rimming teasing... waiting for me finish?" Coco continued here job waiting for me, then we turned over customer, coco shew her bbjcim skill greatly and I was kissing customer nipples boost his cuming, we finished our job together perfectly and customer was so happy and tipped us more than we expected.
So I think 4 hands massage should focus on more fun and relaxing than really massage, even I didn't finish my massage from fingers to toes, but customer still feel very happy and satisfied, that is good experience, I can do massage throughly when I am with customer alone, isn't it right?
I have the Korean girl here today( Saturday)and coco here tomorrow ( sunday), welcome to visit her and her and I am always backup for 4 hands massage and some treatments .
Thanks everyone for supporting us all the time, we do appreciate it and we are ready to feedback.
See you soon

