Known Reviewer
It's her choice to either raise the child, or to release the child to adoption. But, I feel it isn't her choice to abort it. There are lots of couples out there that would love to adopt a child.
But make no mistake, the rapist should be punished to the full extent of the law.
As for abortions
Not your body...not your decision.
Simple as that. If I am the conduit for which something must pass thru ..I should have the right to approve or deny what passes thru me. Funny she is allowed rights to raise..keep..put up for adoption but not terminate. This is where your reglious upbringing adds its 2 cents about fetus vs life..not your body ..not your say
As for the guy who loaned the MPA money.Let's just say a fool and his money will quickly part. She makes more in week than you do in a month. If she needs a loan shes a idiot and trying to milk you.
And Your still visiting her..she is just laughing at you. You have been played. Move on brother.
As for girls asking for help..
Give something if you can. Some girls need help. I have sent 100 bucks to some ..and she didnt even ask for it. Next time i see her she will probably offer me bb and swallow my load. Just from doing this .. Yes they should have savings ..yes there whores..but financial education is not something they learn .I see younger girls so they dont do financial planning and save for rainy days..yes they spend it on LV and fancy shit. what the fuck do you expect them to be doing with there money at that age stocks.. ETFs, .lol .YEAH RIGHT my girls in her twenties . Not there 40s ..So its just a life lesson they will learn.
Karma comes back around so if you can help your fav do it.
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