
  1. Aqua Bay Spa

    Spa AD Your GREAT Massage Today 😊 MIA: Pretty 20s, Slim Body & TRACY Busty, Experienced, Nice Figure. Aqua Bay Spa Leslie & Hwy 7 VISIT AQUABAYSPA.CA

    ☺BOOK YOUR BEST RELAX MASSAGE TODAY☺ MIA 20s Pretty, Slim Body, Medium Strength Massage, Speaks Chinese & English Well :heart1 TRACY Busty, Nice Figure, Great Massage & Tease :heart1 (Leslie & Hwy. 7) Nice-Looking & Experienced Attendants, NO RUSH Best Hourly Rate in the GTA...
  2. Aqua Bay Spa

    Spa AD Book Your Massage Today 😊 MIA, TRACY 🤩 Young & Pretty, Busty & Experienced. Aqua Bay Spa Leslie & Hwy 7, CALL 647-939-0599, VISIT AQUABAYSPA.CA

    ☺BOOK YOUR BEST RELAX MASSAGE TODAY☺ MIA Young & Pretty, Slim Body, Awesome Barefoot Massage & More :heart1 TRACY Busty, Experienced & Great Teaser :heart1 (Leslie & Hwy. 7) Nice-Looking & Experienced Attendants, NO RUSH Best Hourly Rate in the GTA $60/hr (most places are...
  3. S

    Tracy S9

    Has anyone got any information on Tracy from S9? I woke up with a chubby thinking about her this morning and I wondered if she was doing any indy work during this lockdown shit. If you do, please share, perhaps through DM if you prefer. Thanks
  4. W

    Review Tracy from Pure

    Anyone seen Tracy form Pure post COVID-19? I want to book her for Monday but every review so far is pre-COVID-19 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. N

    Review Tracy S9

    Took the plunge last and saw Tracy. After reading everything on here and friend telling me she’s very sweet and sensual I gave into to the perv voice inside my head. I have a weakness for Asian women and nice smelling body sprays and of all things straight teeth....[emoji23]. She met...
  6. RyeHiDude

    Review 2190 -201 Warden Ave - Tracy

    Another meeting another location to explore. Having tried out the seafood shack with very decent cheese scones, I found myself in an area in between 2 shops and on the way up, saw the smallest of signs behind the gas station for a spa. I turned in, grabbed one of the few parking spots and...
  7. O

    Tracy @ Studio 9 Review

    Second review - hope it's helpful. Date: January 2020 Time: Morning, 45 minutes Appointment: Called one day in advance I thought Tracy's photos on the website were great, so I called to book ahead. I called again in the morning to confirm. Studio 9's receptionist was kind and helpful, no...
  8. K

    Review Tracy @ S9 (finally)

    a couple of weeks ago I finally had the opportunity to see Tracy at S9. Ive been to S9 many times but for some reason I had never taken Tracy for a spin. The reviews of her are nothing short of stellar, so my expectations were very high. First impression was disappointment. Everyone goes on...
  9. D

    Tracy @ Studio 9 - WOW!

    Saw Tracy last week for the first time and she did not disappoint. Walk in and pay for 45 mins ($170) and made an appointment prior for Tracy as I have read good things about her. I hardly go to Studio 9, actually haven't been since I used to see Hailee. Tracy walks in and wow, she is DDG imo...
  10. Dinorawr21

    Tracy @S9 (Second Review!)

    I'm back again with my second visit to a spa and second visit to Studio 9! This time around, I did a bit more research, both here (thanks to all you guys) and in person. I go to S9 a week before I make an appointment to check out the goods. I ask the receptionist if I could say hi to the...
  11. TheKWguy

    165 east beaver plaza, lavender, doris @ bh, tracy @ tea828

    I go to new plaza's all the time to TOFFT and sometimes there are some gems, most of the times it's a bust The 165 east beaver plaza has 3-4 asian joints running and i've gone to 3 of them the blacked out sign one in the middle, Oriental wellness centre and crystal beauty spa. the blacked out...
  12. sy barite

    Tracy at 3449 Yong

    So I really wanted a session with a leggy beauty who would wear nylons for me and do a faux-fuck with her thighs etc. Thought I knew just the girl too, and stopped by 1395 Yonge to see Sarah, who I've had my eye on. Got there and she looked great, slim with what looked like nice b's bursting...
  13. O

    Tracy gone?

    I don’t see Tracy’s picture on the Premier site. Feels like this is the end of an era. I had been thinking lately that I wanted to see her again. She is lovely and a beauty.
  14. D

    Tracy at forever spa

    Anybody try this girl tracy?. I saw her in the hallway and she looks very young and has breasts that defy gravity
  15. S

    Tracy at Studio 9 Spa

    Tracy has been at Studio 9 for some time so I'm sure there are many reviews of her. She's a pretty and young Viet MPA. She doesn't work as often as I'd like but I try to see her when I can. I like her slow and sexy approach to the session. Everything within MPA limits. YMMV. I have also seen...
  16. W

    Tracy @ studio 9

    I went to see Tracy last night based upon reviews on here. I was kind of let down because of the reviews but I had a good time. No extras were offered and I whispered something in her ear kind of asking. Not happening. She would have gotten one hell of a tip too but oh well. She is about 5'7...
  17. D

    Quick Poll... Tracy or Hannah at S9

    What’s up guys!! Let’s see those updated reviews and choice between the two!! Both are working today so I gotta make a decision!! Please provide the best review possible with at least the price of extras provided!!
  18. M

    Shina @ Seduction and Tracy @ S9

    I've been away from this hobby for a few years now. The last time I saw an MPA was someone named Maria who worked at Bathurst and Sheppard. Some of you may know her as the Maria from Dr. Lu's. She was one of my two go to girls. Boy was she amazing. Not money hungry at all and didn't even care...
  19. Y

    FS with Tracy

    Just wondering if any one has gotten FS with Tracy and what the damage was.
  20. T

    Tracy @S9

    Hi guys, I'm going to see Tracy today. Can anyone please let me know what type of services that she provide? how much do you usually tip her?