
  1. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  2. O


  3. D

    spanish Terminology

    I'm not spanish literate. Is there a little thread around here with Sex Lingo in Spanish. i.e. BBBJ, etc.
  4. R


    looking for a spanish girl downtown
  5. E

    What are some critical spanish phrases to learn?

    This will be my firet visit to Costa Rica. I speak almost no Espanol. What are some phrases I should know?
  6. D

    Spanish gal at Eurohaven on Torbram

    Folks, just found a colombian bombshell. Her name is Carolina and is from Bogota Colombia. She's got that sexy spanish accent still goin' on and is a natural beauty. Well, the place doesn't look too bad inside, only downfall is that there are no showers in your rooms as there is a communal...
  7. buildermantn

    Looking for spanish girl Sandy from Julianna Tokyo

    This is my first post . I came across this site a few days ago and I been browsing it ever since. What a great site this is. I been a regular at Julianna Tokyo couple of years ago. I noticed that its not the same as it used to be. Actually I am looking for Sandy, spanish tall girl who used to...
  8. R

    Important Spanish Phrases

    Since many of you don't speak spanish I thought I'd share some important spanish phrases with you (I'm not FLUENT but I manage ok). 1. My God, you are UGLY! Dios Mio, usted es feo! 2. Refund Please. Reembolso por favor. 3. Don't Stop No parada. 4. Please, stop. Por...
  9. Pompal 09.

    erotic massage by spanish girls

    This place is near eglington and keele.It is nothing more than a $60 wham bam in and out on an old dirty mattress on the floor.Nice enough latino girl named Ruby.She's got some junk in the trunk, nice hoot's . Repeat NO.Just my opinion.
  10. P

    Star Studio Indian or Spanish girls?

    Does Star Studio carry any Indian or Spanish girls?
  11. A

    Spanish Speaking MPA

    Anyone know of a Spanish speaking MPA?? Of course the cuter the better. Thanks
  12. D

    What are some spanish chat sites?

    Well, Ive been learning spanish and im 20 years old, and all my spanish speaking friends tell me im good at it even tho i sound like a gringo sometimes lol, ive been learning kinda thru experience with friends and watching novelas. A veces, el idioma me puede volver loco. I was jjust wondering...
  13. I

    I'm new to the MP world. Does anyone know of any sexy Spanish ladies worth seeing?

    I'm looking to meet a hot, young Spanish girl. Any advice with picture links would be well received. Thanks in advance.
  14. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  15. M

    What animals and plants were introduced to the Aztecs in the Spanish Invasion?

    How did this result in the downfall of the Aztecs?
  16. E

    Would anyone be willing to chat with me in spanish?

    I asked this a while ago to be honest but here I am again. I'm learning spanish and I'd like to meet someone who knows the language well and would be willing to chat with me in order to improve my skills or both of our skills for that matter in Spanish and probably English for them if they wish.
  17. H

    Spanish computer

    A SPANISH Teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike in English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. 'House' for instance, is feminine: 'la casa.' 'Pencil,' however, is masculine: 'el lapiz.' A student asked, 'What gender is 'computer'?' Instead of...
  18. C

    Spanish Lesson - computers

    A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. ''House'' for instance, is feminine, ''la casa''. ''Pencil,'' however, is masculine, "el lapiz.'' A student asked, ''What gender is...
  19. K

    spanish, french, german, sweedish, russian, romanian words for star related items?

    what are the different names for meteorite, shooting star, falling star, ect. to name something, so only put it if it sounds pretty and is easy to pronounce thanks
  20. T

    Is the massage therapy board test done in English or Spanish in Florida?

    is the massage therapy board test only in English?