Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
Dude, dozens of new IDs daily on msgplanet… they don’t all belong 2 me!Bro, calm down. I'm not even hating on you! I think you do a great job for Lucy. I just sometimes feel like I'm losing it reading all your handles.
BTW your 100% right, so many spas use multi handles to bump threads or ask whose working. I think that's why I like your new approach of creating a dialogue between your various accounts, a natural flowing conversation. And jumping into random threads throwing a comment in line with current discussions adds to the authenticity of those accounts as well.

… as mentioned b4, if u think an ID belongs 2 me, well, gd 4u… but if u got no proof @ all… well, there’s a word 4 that, it’s not a nice word

… I’ve been asked by spas 2 post 4 them… I’m shur u have 2… Lucy even asked Ambler … a move widely regretted now… some IDs mebbe belong 2 guys like that, Bellagio clients who been asked 2 post

Most of what gets written here gets

… one spa even has an ID fight with him all the time just 2 bump the thread…. R u seeing yer self in a role like that?

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