Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
What is the different between GFE and GFV?
Lavida is described as GFE but has only 1 *. So GFE without nudity???
True GFE = escortGFE - girl friend experience
GFV - girl friend vibe
Lavida not guaranty of nudity


… semilegit spas don’t do

So many spas use GFE just 2 mean girl’s relaxed & friendly, so Bellagio puts it there… but really when it says GFE & GFV, really it’s just GFV
Girl Friend Vibe -

… many spas also say GFE 2 hint that LFK/DFK available … actually it tends 2b BS

The + ratings indicate MINIMUM not MAXIMUM… so TS+ doesn’t mean no nudity @ all… just u cant count on it

Lavida has DFK

… IMHO if u get

Allotta kissers

Rica’s also a gd bet, young & pretty

Shirley’s a newbie, kissing pretty unlikely although u mebbe get an HE if she likes u …