
  1. I

    Massage, undies or nude?

    I have often wondered what % of people prefer massages naked or with underwear on so have decided to carry out this survey. Could users please answer the following or direct me to where i can find such details, many thanks. 1) What % of your clients keep their undies on during a massage...
  2. B

    nude massage

    I've came across various threads and noticed that lsome therapists like me like to give "nudist style" massages, where the clients can be nude but like me you stay clothed. I've recently had a situation and was wondering if anyone has had a similiar situation ever and if so how did you handle...
  3. T

    Nude yoga
  4. K

    Have you seen someone nude you shouldn't have?

    I walked into my grandparents doing it. I still have nightmares about it.
  5. C

    Actress Kat Dennings Leaked Nude Photos

    For those who don't know, Kat Dennings is young and up and coming actress with movies like 40 Year Old Virgin, Defendor and Nick & Nora's Infinate Playlst.
  6. F

    Nude Reverse - $60?

    Hello Members, I am a long time guy thinking about making the leap to Montreal. I have done a couple of searches on "NR" and "Reverse" as well as "Prices" and could not find the answer to my question, which is: Is NR available everywhere (Like Toronto) and is...
  7. W

    Nude modeling?

    has anyone ever heard of or been to this place I have heard it is a type of cat house or amp style place, but im not sure. I was just wondering if anyone has been there or not?