
  1. stacy

    Huge tits anyone ?

    Hi guys ! I've been lurking this forum for a week, but now I would like to ask you guys something. I'm craving for huge tits (and love fake ones), and except Risa from Nasty Dolls, I don't know where I can find anything. Therefore, I tried to call some agencies with foreign ladies, but they...
  2. roxy07

    Huge Boobs

    Me and my buddy are off to LOS next week in search of the biggest boobs in Thailand. Please let us know where we can find the biggest ones and we'd love to see some pictures before we go. We both know that we have a huge boob fetish so please don't state the obvious. Cheers guys
  3. M

    Ray Finkel VS A Freakin' Huge Moth

    A fight to the finish!
  4. M

    Lover 'almost killed' by huge breasts

    British woman Claire Smedley almost killed her lover during sex - with her enormous breasts. Mum-of-three Smedley, 27, who has 40LL breasts, panicked when she lifted them up while having sex and found that her lover Steven had stopped breathing. In an exclusive video interview with the News of...
  5. E

    How do I introduce a full frown huge male rat to a small female?

    Ok so I bought a rat from a breeder he is very healthy and sweet he is an adult but they had to get rid of him because of dominance issues with another male I got him to breed they delivered to my house and he is huge !! I've never introduced 2 rats with such a size difference my female is...
  6. H

    huge tits

    whi has them? Lori at Executive. Brittney i Gone, From Rogue. Big , Big Tits! Gotta like them!!! Who and where????
  7. G

    Planning Huge Bash for a couple of buddies...

    Ok, I am planning a huge bash for some buddies and we will need at least 10-15 girls for the day/night. Of course I will provide quarters if they are allowed to remain throughout the evening, and all the food and drink one could put down. How much should I expect to pay in order to enlist...
  8. B

    Madame Cleos and Blue Pearl: Toronto's and Vancouver's huge losses

    What a sad time for Massage in Canada. Toronto loses Blue Pearl after Vancouver lost Madame Cleos last year. The issue revolving around Madame Cleos is Vancouver City won't grant leasing for Rebecca in a new location downtown. Not sure why but I guess it's because she didn't pay rent for...
  9. L

    Huge Natural breasts

    I'm hoping to complile a new updated list of mp's with huge natural breasts. I've never cared much about face, legs, rear end etc. I guess you could say i'm a real breast man. How about giving me a hand. Anyone know any mp's with huge knockers?- I don't mean just the "nice tits" kind...
  10. H

    Huge natural breasts massage

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and was wondering if anyone knew of any ladies with huge natural breasts that provide massage services in the GTA/Hamilton, Burlington area. Thanks
  11. M

    JunJun HUGE reno! Clean and classy OMG!

    OK I just about passed out. Went to junjun on College and there's a crappy sign posted all crooked on the door saying massage downstairs. I thought oh crap, the mold and dirt will just flourish down there - great. Holly crap! Each room has a bathroom & shower, it's all brand new & clean...
  12. Leonie

    BBW with HUGE naturals

    Anyone know of any?
  13. R

    How do you stop a mental prime minister from introducing a realy huge stupid tax?

    Gillard is going to force australians into paying carbon tax because she's awful with money. Carbon tax is a tax on australian carbon dioxide emissions. The tax is supposed to cut pollution, even though it merely gives carbon dioxide a dollar value. It will not allow Gillard to manipulate...
  14. T

    huge number of same-looking spas in chinatown

    This is a great find
  15. I

    Stacy @ HFH New Pics With Huge Snake!

    OMG! that huge reptile is all over Stacy's body in her new pics! Snakes/Reptiles are most dreaded creatures for so many human beings, its repulsive to see such a beautiful, hot sexy, sizzling Stacy, with such dreaded huge Snake all over her body! Not my cup of tea to see such reptile...
  16. H

    I am looking for huge breasts...Help!

    This is my first post. I would like to know if anyone can recommend mpa with very large breasts, whi is also nice girl with good mileage.
  17. W

    Huge clit or labia

    Havent brought this one up for a while. I've now seen all the girls at sillohuette and allure and only ashley at allure has a truly large clit. Just wondering if anyone else has any updates.
  18. sgoldperson

    A huge guy

    A huge guy marries a tiny girl, and at the wedding, one of his Reviewiends says to him, "How the hell do the two of you have sex?" The big guy says, "I just sit there, naked, on a chair, she sits on top, and I bob her up and down." His Reviewiend...
  19. P

    Small seed with huge worth

    They say, “Pick up a sesame seed but lose sight of a watermelon.â€￾ But I tell you it is worth it. The black pod which 'bursts'with life is the oldest condiment known to man. Sesame is a useful ingredient in the culinary world. The oil extracted is very much demand finding its way into many...
  20. R

    why are there huge moving smileys and saying and foods and animals on facebook...

    ...and facebook chat?!!!? they are huge and move and whenever i write omg, idk, that's epic, and other stuff, it makes it big and glittery and it's annoying and takes up lotsa space. also, at the bottom of my convos on facebook chat, it has choices for me to put animals, foods, saying, or...