
  1. admin

    Relaxing at Sea: My Caribbean cruise experience

    My Caribbean cruise involved seven days of sun-bathing on the decks of a luxury liner, sipping on fruity cocktails and shopping at every Caribbean port we stopped at. By the end of my week aboard the ship, I was not able to decide whether I liked staying on board or getting off at the ports to...
  2. L

    What are the name of foods introduced to the Caribbean by Africa?

    plz i need it now now now ............. oh and plz give the reference
  3. E

    Three guys are fishing in the Caribbean

    Three guys are fishing in the Caribbean. One guy says, "I had a terrible fire; lost everything. Now the insurance company is paying for everything and that’s why I’m here." The second guy says, "I had a terrible explosion; lost everything. Now the insurance company is paying for everything and...
  4. C

    What year or era were monkeys first introduced to the Caribbean?

    Also, what was the first island they were placed in?
  5. charming

    If rabbits were introduced to to the small caribbean island of St.Lucia,would...

    ...they prosper ? I am just curious because alot of people keep pet rabbits which are already adapted to the heat and the climate so i was just wondering if this would happen.