I hear how "The Dealer" always promotes all the MPAs to the point of creating a buzz in most of your wallets.
So, today I am going to ask for your suggested "losers / over-rated MPAs". Here is my short list of five to avaoid and why:
1.) Sara V. @ HFH - she's way too talkative about her personal life
2.) Jeannie @ Silhouette - loves her tits, so massages them way too much
3.) Nicole @ Platinum - offers a NR when you ask & pay for BS
4.) Mariah @ BP - too many large tattoos
5.) Heather @ BP - no tiime to shower between sessions
So, today I am going to ask for your suggested "losers / over-rated MPAs". Here is my short list of five to avaoid and why:
1.) Sara V. @ HFH - she's way too talkative about her personal life
2.) Jeannie @ Silhouette - loves her tits, so massages them way too much
3.) Nicole @ Platinum - offers a NR when you ask & pay for BS
4.) Mariah @ BP - too many large tattoos
5.) Heather @ BP - no tiime to shower between sessions