BFP- big fat positive
DPO- days past ovulation
DH- dear husband
DS- dear son
DD- Dear daughter
TMI- Too much information
TIA- thanks in advance
AF- aunt flow (period)
AI- Artificial insemination
BBT- Basal Body Temperature
Baby dance/BD- sex.
Beta- is a blood test for pregnancy
BC- Birth control
BTW- By the way
BPM- Beats per minute
CRL- crown rump length (measuring baby)
CD- Cycle day
CL- Corpus luteum
CM- Cervical mucus
CP- cervical position
D&C- dilate and curetage
EDD- estimated due date
EWCM- Egg white cervical mucus
EPT- early pregnancy test
EVAP- evaporation line
FMU- first morning urine
FIL/MIL- father in law, mother in law
FOB- father of baby
GP- general practisioner
GYNO- gynocologist
HCG- human Chorionic Gonadotropin- its the pregnancy hormone detect in ept
HPT- home pregnancy test
HB- heart beat
LH- luteinizing hormone
LP- luteal phase
LSP- low sperm count
LO- Little one
LMP- last menstrual period
MC or M/C- Miscarriage
MS- morning sickness
OH- other half
PND- post natal depression
PG- pregnancy/pregnant
PCOD- polycystic ovarian disease
PCOS- polycystic ovarian syndrome
PMS- premenstrual syndrome
POAS- pee on a stick- hpt
TTC- trying to conceive
TWW- two week wait
U/S- Ultrasound
UTI- urinary tract infection
YI- yeast infection
Hope some of these help