I actually intended to stay that time. I worked a week or so but spent all my cash on pussy and partying and had to come home. TBH I wasn't as prepared as I should have been. I'd like to go back but I need to be more organised and bring more cash with me. I have a job any time I want with a few people and would definately like to go back for a fairly long period starting in the summer. I just need to be more diciplined and stop partying so much. I love Prague and i'd have a good 8-10,000kc cash to use for partying if I lived there each month after rent and food which would be good. However I need that upfront sum for deposits and survival before the first pay day which is why i'm bacj in Britain for a couple of months. Dunno which would be better tbh spending a month there having fun but having to come home or being sensible and spending a month there but being broke before payday. Either way I learned a ton about the city, especially sub-urbs and out of town areas. When i'm back I know where i'd want to live, how much i'd need and I have people who I could move in with.