Accordings to the Brno-based association "Rozkos bez rizika", wich is monitoring prostitution and giving help & asssistance to prostitutes, about 10 000 prostitutes are offering paid sex services in Czech republic (in night clubs, in privates or in the street).
About 900 prostitutes are working daily in South Moravia. At the border with Austria, the demand is for long time very stable because there is not enough girls on the other side of the border to supply the demand from the austrian market (clients). The bastion for sexual services in the region are Brno and Znojmo. There is currently 15 night clubs in operation in Brno with a total of 48 night clubs in the South Moravia region. Brno counts around 70 privates as well.
The offer in the region is various, for example exotic beauties from Thailand or African countries can be found in Znojmo brothels.