
The owner and an employee of a massage parlor in Oswego were arrested this week.
The Oswego Police Department says 60-year-old Hongbin Liu, an employee of X Massage in the 2700 block of Route 34, was arrested Wednesday and charged with prostitution.
The business owner, 35-year-old Haibin Li of Plainfield, was arrested Thursday and charged with violating the Massage Therapy Practice Act.
Both suspects were booked at the Oswego Police Department and released with a notice to appear in court. Police say the business’s bodyworks license will be suspended pending a hearing.
The investigation was conducted by the Kendall County Cooperative Police Assistance Team.
Information provided in this report has been obtained from area authorities, including but not limited to local police, fire and emergency dispatch officials. Information is sourced only from official sources of public information unless otherwise stated. Subjects listed who have been charged or cited for crimes have not been proven guilty in court and all acts are alleged.