My daughter is currently finishing her introduction to veggies. My question is this - Once all of the veggies are introduced, do I continue to give those for lunch/dinner AND give fruits as well or do JUST fruits until she is done being introduced to those? So far she is doing well with veggies; She loves squash, peas, and carrots. Her next one is green beans (I'm only doing 1 "flavor" every 3-4 days) and I think she is allergic to sweet potatoes (she got a light rash on her face and chest and a couple brighter red dots on her arms the day after her 4th taste of them. I had also put perfume on for the first time since she's been born that morning, but sprayed it on my lower 1/2 so that her face wasn't on it when I held her. Not sure which produced the dots, and am scared to try either again. Lol). But back to the original question. I planned on doing fruits for "breakfast" with her cereal, and have been doing veggies for "lunch". So when she can eat both, should I do fruits for "breakfast" and veggies for "lunch" or JUST fruits for "breakfast"? Should I do veggies AND fruits for "dinner" with her cereal? I know it sounds stupid, lol, but I don't know "how" to feed her the "solids". Lol. I know 1 every 3 days, but what do I do after that? I know to only feed what she wants/will eat (don't force feed). But I'm just not sure how often to feed each type (fruits/veggies) and when to start doing both veggies/fruits in the same day. Her Dr gave me a sheet on how to start her and "how much" to start with, but I'm just confused on the other details. Any help is much appreciated!!!