Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex


Sep 24, 2009
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1. Assuming he can get a raging hard on when it suits you. Contrary to popular belief, men can't just flip a switch and get it up because you decided to stop being a frigid bitch. Getting it hard is your job. I suggest you figure it out.

2. Thinking that kissing needs to be this sweet romantic thing all the time. Sometimes pressing your lips against your partners mouth while you get off is the hot. It depends on the situation.

3. Leaving him responsible for your orgasm. You know what gets you off. Tell him. If you don't, it's your own fault when he's snoozing and you're all wound up.

4. Expecting him to cuddle. Men and women are wired differently. Sex makes most women want to talk and bond and all that shit. It makes men pass out. It's a biological thing. Stop fighting it, and stop holding it over his head, it's not his fault.

5. Expecting him to fall asleep with you in his arms. That shit is uncomfortable after awhile. A little snuggling isn't unreasonable, but when it's time to actually sleep? An arm draped over you should suffice.

6. Expecting him to always lay on the charm and romance. Sometimes, that's nice. Sometimes. But expecting him to be all roses and candles all the time is like expecting you to act like a pornstar all the time. If you're not willing to do that, don't expect him to switch for you.

7. Being selfish in bed. Regardless of the shit that Cosmo forces down our throats, sex is NOT just about us. Get over it.

8. Using Cosmo as a sex bible. I dont know who comes up with half that shit, but I'm pretty sure they need counseling.

9. Whining when he pushes your head down on his cock instead of stroking your hair. Know why he's pushing, skippy? Because you aren't doing it right, and have apparently ignored the other clues he's given you. Pay attention to the signals that he's sending you.

10. Not moving at all. Missionary is not an excuse to do nothing.

11. Expecting him to undress himself with any amount of grace. He's about to get some pussy. Be glad he bothered to take his pants all the way off. If it concerns you so much, undress him yourself.

12. Not shaving your legs. Im pretty bad at this myself. But if you want your guy stubble free, you better get out the razor.

13. Allowing your crotch to resemble the amazon. Yes, waxing hurts. Yes, some people don't want to go bare. Thats fine. If you like bush, great. If you have sensitive skin and can't shave, I feel for you. But for the love of Christ, trim that shit if you want him to spend any time down there.

14. Assuming that sex means a relationship. The only relationship you have is that he has now stuck his hoo hoo dilly in your cha cha. That's as far as it goes unless otherwise noted.

15. Withholding oral sex just because you're ragging. He didn't do it. Unless you want him to withhold oral sex because he's hormonal, I suggest you get some kneepads.

16. Expecting him to figure out what you like by what noise you make. Use your words. Have you ever actually heard what you sound like while you're having sex? If you heard yourself on tape, and someone asked you to explain what was causing you to make that noise, 67% of women would respond with answers like "I stubbed my toe" "I ran up the steps" or "I was putting up drywall".

17. Leaving condoms up to him. If you're sexually active and insist that he uses a condom, I suggest buying a box and keeping it by your bed. Not all men keep them on them, and it's just as much your responsibility as it is his. If you think that makes you a slut, you shouldn't be having sex anyway. Go back to Jr High.

18. Getting your undies in a bunch when he talks dirty. A little fantasy can be fun. If he treats you with respect all the time, you shouldn't be offended when he calls you his dirty little slut. When he calls you a whore and tells you to come, its his way of showing that he cares if you get off. Stop being a sissy.

19. Refusing to be spontaneous. I know this is shocking, but sometimes sex OUTSIDE of the bedroom is fun.

20. Dissing quickies because it's not some slow sensual ordeal. Sex is a dynamic thing. Theres an awesome raw energy when you only have 20 minutes but having to have someone so bad that you do it half clothed against the wall. Readjust your thinking.

21. Being too much of a pussy to tell him what is or isn't acceptable before you start bumping uglies. Be honest. If he asks if he can poke you in the butt, and you giggle and say no like it's an invitation, don't look surprised when he "accidentally" sticks his cock in your butt.

22. Expecting him to undress you. I put a bra on almost every day. I know for a fact that getting them off isn't always easy. Help a brother out.

23. Undressing in the dark. If youre shy, dim the lights, but give the man something to see. No ripping off the clothes and diving under the covers, either.

24. Refusing to get on top. Theres no reason men should have to do all the work.

25. Getting that bored look on your face. Men are more visual than women. Give him something to look at. Get on top and arch your back a little bit. Move. Do something to indicate that you 1) are not dead and 2) didn't suffer a minor stroke rendering you unable to move.

26. Expecting him to do all the touching when you're riding him. It's your body, you're used to it. Play with your tits, rub your clit, do something to make his job easier.

27. Being too afraid to guide your partner's hand when hes touching you. Don't like the way he's doing it? Gently take his hand and show him how you like it.

28. Getting into bed, getting naked, fooling around and then deciding that you just want to cuddle, then getting offended when he doesn't. Its your choice to stop, but don't look all fucking surprised when he's confused. You got him naked in your bed, what else did you think was going to happen?

29. Refusing to let him take control. So your a feminist. Big fucking deal. Letting him call the shots doesn't make you any less of one.

30. Refusing to take control. Its ok to crawl across a bed to him on all fours, push him down and crawl on top. It's not his responsibility to start things all the time.

31. Forgetting that he has a body that likes to be touched, too. Men have things like backs and shoulders and stomachs and other parts that are fun to kiss and touch. You miss a lot of good places by concentrating solely on his penis.

32. Ignoring his balls. Seriously, they are there. Kiss them, lick them, suck on them, make a relationship with them, just don't ignore them.

33. Leaving him to his own devices. Nothing is worse than a girl who gets you most of the way off and then bolts because she doesn't want to deal with the mess.

34. Launching into some speech about not being an object for sex when he tries to titty fuck you. Jesus Christ, just push them together and enjoy yourself. You get a great view.

35. Expecting him to handle you like a porcelain doll. I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're not going to break, sister. So doing it against the wall gives you a bruise on your shoulder. Look at it later and giggle at the memory.

36. Refusing to try things in the name of "making love". You're not making anything. You are naked. With another person. Making strange faces and weird noises. Stop romanticizing it.

37. Taking things way too seriously. Sex is funny. Actually it's hilarious. Somewhere along the line, someone is going to fall off of a bed, hit their head on a lighting fixture, accidentally kick a midget or trip over a goat. It's how you deal with it that really matters.

38. Throwing a bitch fit when he asks for a 3 some. Its the American dream. (I know my ex is reading this right now, so a quick interjection. One request for a 3 some is ok. Every 5 minutes, not so much. Know the difference).

39. Continuing a blow job knowing that you have god awful cotton mouth. Really. Grab a bottle of water.

40. Nails. Its one thing tracing them up and down your partners back. Its another when you snag the goods with a claw.

41. Bitching when you get jizz on you. You're having sex. That will happen. Thats the entire point of sex. Establish where he can and cant jizz and be done with it. Remember, it tightens the pores.

42. Not making any noises at all. Moan. Scream his name. Something so he knows he's the best you've had, even if he isn't.

43. Faking orgasms. Just. Don't. By faking (IF he believes you) he thinks he's doing everything right. And if he doesn't know its not working, he's not going to change it. Starting a vicious cycle of unfulfilling sex which will eventually be very damaging to his ego.

44. Not washing before sex. I know that sex is spontaneous, this is more of a general statement. If you haven't showered that day, and things smell a little...fishy...perhaps demanding oral sex is a little ridiculous of you.

45. Anything that involves inserting anything into his body that he has not specifically approved before hand. I don't care what Cosmo says, some things are simply not pleasant surprises.

46. Refusing to use oils/whipped cream/other messy but fun things because you have 541510630 count Egyptian cotton sheets that were made by hand by the only person alive capable of sewing that pattern. They'll wash.

47. Doing all of your before bed things before sex. Yes, sleeping with makeup on is bad. Now is not the time to remove it, you can do that later. And really fucking you with your hair in a ratty scrunchie with acne cream on your nose is not all its cracked up to be.

48. Cleaning up after sex. Wiping the splooge off is one thing. But changing the sheets immediately so you can get the other ones in the washer and then sanitizing everything your naked body might have possibly passed by is not the way to do it.

49. Making a big deal out of it if he loses his hard on. This is not an interrogation, or 20 questions. It happens, he's probably mortified and you are NOT helping. Refrain from using phrases like "it happens to every guy". Just move to other activities until it gets hard again, and if it doesn't, get off another way with him. He's still capable of getting you off. Mumbling "Forget it" and rolling over are not ok.

50. Asking questions right afterwards. The woman equivalent of "was it good for you?". Now is not a good time to ask "What this means". Right now, it means he probably needs to take a drink, a leak and a nap, perhaps not in that order.
Love the list! Did you write it yourself rahino?
The only problem I see is that number 1 and number 3 kinda contradict each other. I agree a woman is responsible for turning the man on, and also talking to him and telling him what gets her off, but it still is his responsibility to turn her on and find out what does the same way she is doing with him.... well at least in a marriage.

How to eliminate the list of complaints .

OK... I'm trying to get this title straight in my head...

"Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex"

In my book, there's no such thing as a mistake when women are having sex... It is more a matter of additional training is needed! :)
SO you never had a woman pretend your cock was a ketchup bottle when she was giving you a handjob?
This is in my pamphlet, "How To Make Auggie Happy" - suggested reading material for any woman that wants directions to my heart.

It's not just a cook book.
I am so glad I'm single. The stuff you guys have to put up with...
Yes... and she was promptly re-trained in how to do it properly... :roll:


LOL... you haven't been paying attention BA... Most guys would give their left nut to put up with the stuff I've had to put up with! :tongue:

^^^ he paints a wonderful picture of Mrs CG, but you do have to wonder: is she really that perfect?......

I've met hundreds, if not thousands, of women and every one of them has had the distinct innate ability to be able to make a guy miserable.....I can't believe Mrs CG, isn't right in there with them.....
You have no idea. evil laugh

Of course she has the ability, but apparently she chooses not to use it. We do that once in awhile.
Is Mrs. CG perfect? No, and I have never claimed that she was... No one is perfect tboy...

Yes there are times where we get on each other's case... and as I've said, in an ideal world she would look the same as she did when we got married, but that was 23 yrs ago, and she is not 20 yrs old anymore and we do not live in a perfect world. :roll:

Having said this, she is remarkably well preserved for a woman of 43 and having had 3 children, and... she MORE than makes up for this with her open attitude towards sex, girl on girl, playfulness with me (both in public and behind closed doors) and as it turns out swinging.... :) Furthermore, I am not the only one that feels this way, having witnessed her in action at Temptations resort... She had guys and girls alike hitting on her left right an centre...

I think Sentry and Tank have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about...
I bet you were twirling your snidely whiplash moustache when you did that evil laugh and I bet there's a secret forum where the women go and tell all about how they yanked their husband's/bf's/FWB's chain last night....I know it!!

CG: you do paint quite a rosy picture and yeah, I was yankin' your chain!!! I thought you'd come back with a story about how she rode your ass about your $25,000.00 bike, your pseudo truck, not taking out the trash when she commended or something to that effect......
I just tell it like it is tboy... :na:

And sorry, I only let women "yank" my chain... :shock:

As for the rest of your post: the decimal point is in the wrong place: my bike is only worth $2,500, lay off my Honda, and my son takes out the trash... I have different "responsibilities" to attend to!
Hee hee

:he: :great:
  1. Withme_Spa:
    💘💥at 4386 Sheppard Avenue east ❣Saturday, 💋💋 Anna, 💘❣model like appearance, slim, and sexy body, very pretty and friendly. Great treatment and service. ❣  Ruby, 💋💋medium height and sexy build with shapely legs and ass. friendly, does a very relaxing treatment,💗 Nancy, 💋💥popular, thick and curvy Vietnamese with great service 💝Jessica,💋 average height, slim build, very pretty, very personalized treatment. 💞💋🔋416 297-7488🔋
  2. lemon_tree:
    💥💋a discreet entrance at 4155 Sheppard Avenue east, 201❣Saturday, 💝 Tina / Gracie 💋💋average height and slim build, friendly and sexy, long dark hair, over the top service. 💘 Lisa, small build,💞💋 📞 647 348-2899📞
  3. hiyamickey:
    Reinella wellness will have 7 girls working, 20 years old young Japanese girl Amanda, Queenie, Lulu, Joliee, Vicky, Candy @6262 hwy7 unit #1 Vaughan ☎️:905-851-4888
  4. gold__rose__spa:
    💐🏵at 1536 Warden Avenue 💞💖💋💐Saturday, 💯 💖 Sophia,💋 tall and slim, toned and in shape, nice boobs, very white, smooth skin. customer service oriented. Pretty and friendly. Fifi,🌹 📳 647 346-8086📳
  5. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click On Username and FOLLOW US✅ Today 🌸Camila 🌸Rebecca 🌸Christina 🌸Claire 🌸Emily ☎905 - 265 - 2158☎️
  6. Soul Relax Spa:
    ✨Click On Username and FOLLOW US✅ Today 🌸Alisa 🌸Valentina 🌸Barbie ☎289 - 298 - 5662☎️
  7. Moneylee:
    Full season Wellness center: Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Connie , Student big boobs buttocks Vicky ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Anjoo , young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Linda ,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 🏠 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 ☎️ 4379857899 👄👄🦵🦵🈵🈵👅👅
  8. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : New Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Doris ,Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Midi ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament Lala,Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Maggie, Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry ,🏠 address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 🦵🦵👄👄🈵🈵👅👅
  9. SunriseRH:
    SATURDAY at 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘 SPA: NAYLA. 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 27, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟮𝟱-𝟴𝟬𝟴𝟲 ☎️ NAYLA is a tall, young, beautiful & curvy Spanish girl. Come and say hola. SUNRISE SPA, welcomes you to experience total relaxation in our comfortable, clean, cozy environment. Our lovely selection of beauties can totally satisfy your expectations. Choose your attendant
  10. NewOriental:
    SATURDAY at 🍏💚𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗦𝗣𝗔💚🍏: HAPPY & PHOENIX. 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 26, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟴𝟭-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎️ HAPPY is a slim & busty Korean lady with great massage skills & lots of extra fun. PHOENIX is a gentle sweet Filipina lady, 5’4” and 105Lbs, with 34C-24-34 assets and very open minded. NEW ORIENTAL SPA
  11. Sparkling Spa:
    ⚡🌟SPARKLING SPA⚡🌟 ✅50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8✅ 👌Markham, ON L3R 8X4👌 ☎️ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Line☎️ ☎️ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phone☎️ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥SUPERSTAR SERVICE QUEENS AVAILABLE AT SPARKLING SPA FOR ALL YOUR MASSAGE AND SPECIAL EXTRA NEEDS🔥💯😘🔥❤️👌 🔥SEXY NEW YOUNG GIRLS ALWAYS WORKING - Today’s Schedule is…🔥 Foxy -🔥Your new addiction at Sparkling Spa! A tall 5’7” sexy Korean girl with a wild
  12. ASPA:
    SATUR𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗔𝗧 𝐀 𝐒𝐏𝐀: Jenny, Rachel & Tracy. 🅰️𝐀 𝐒𝐏𝐀🅰️, 28 South Unionville Ave, Unit 5, Markham. 🅰️𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟳𝟮𝟵-𝟲𝟲𝟬𝟲 𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟴𝟯𝟵-𝟱𝟵𝟲𝟲🅰️ JENNY is a sexy Asian honey, about 165 Cms., slim to medium build, beautiful natural 36C’s, long sexy legs & big hips, good massage & excellent services. Jenny has sexy smooth skin and a very good personality.
  13. ForeverWarden:
    Saturday at 🫦❤️🔴🟥♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦 2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳: Anita, ~Cindy & Tray, *nicole tracy cindy Anita is a slim Asian babe with a small waist and great bum. Anita has excellent massage and other skills. Cindy is a slim beauty, 5’4”, natural C Cups & wonderfully long nipples. Her massage is nice, her bbbj will drive you wild & her cfs finish is a dream come true.
  14. Red_Pearl_Spa:
    ❤❣at 4385 Sheppard Avenue east, unit 5🔴💋❤Saturday, 💯 💋Tammy, ❣💋. Kelly ❣💘today for an amazing treatment... 5'5", long light brown hair, at least C, decent English and upbeat, cheerful personality. ❣💋 b☎️ 647 352-1588☎️
  15. HolidaySpa:
    Saturday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️AMY & NANA. AMY is an attractive young lady with larger breasts and a nice bottom. She has outstanding oral skills, and is very popular. Don’t miss out on her special skills! Nana is a slim and very sexy Korean lady, very pretty and accommodating. Come and try, you will like. 🌴😎🌅HOLIDAY SPA🌅😎🌴
  16. Jenny’s Spa:
  17. See You Health Center:
    Suki 💕 From Taiwan, sweet girl Sexy tight body amazing C cups with Those incredible nipples 🥑🥑Sami💕 Gorgeous Model Type CBC Vietnamese School Girl She is 5’ 2” tall, 98 Lbs With D Cup Melons Great Fashion Style and Provides Excellent Customer ☎️ 416-988-2950
  18. Lulu_Villa_Spa:
    Natalie 💕 She is from Philippines CBC Petite school girl 5’ 2”, 100 lbs black Hair
GFE, BBbj, DFK in her menu 🥑 Judy💕 is a gorgeous model type Vietnamese Girl She is 5’2” tall. 100Lbs, with D Cup Melons 🥑 Candy💕 She is a Vietnamese With nice Sexy Slender Body, Curves and Sweet Melons ☎️647-446-0886
  19. SugarLoveSpa:
    Saturday at ❤️💙 💜⎝𝗦𝗨𝗚𝗔𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔⎠💖💗💘: CHERRY, LUNA & TIFFANY. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York, ON ☎ 𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟯𝟲𝟱-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎ CHERRY is a young, slim, friendly and absolutely gorgeous Vietnamese beauty, 49 Kgs with Bounteous D Cups. Real pics, unreal services! BBBJ, shower together, full menu. LUNA is a slim and capable Vietnamese beauty nice natural 34C Cups. Luna can do everything.
  20. Hollywood_Spa:
    💞a very clean spa at 4578 Yonge Street, unit 100❣💞💥💋Saturday, 💋💫💞 Vivian, 💋tall and full body type, pretty, does a relaxing medium strength treatment, and full menu finish. 💋📱416 222-5554📱
  21. bnwellness_wilson:
    Blue Nile Wellness Center, we have 4 beautiful young girls are working today , young sweet Sophia slime 30’s and Young fun Yoyo 36DD 30’s open mind, cute GFE Lina and pretty Ella are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in aways welcome, back entrance and parking available, 350 Wilson Ave North York
  22. Annie Spa:
    🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: 🔥 Cici😘A very beautiful and sexy little fangirl, she has a sexy and petite figure, Cici service is first-class, worth having and trying, she belongs to the elite👍She is very friendly, very cute and exquisite little model!!🥰Real pic
  23. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 nice girl Luna and Ivy big boobs 36DD 😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Suki deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking spaces
  24. すみません:
    **Anniversary Celebration Alert!** 🎉 To celebrate our aniversary, we’re thrilled to announce a **2-Week Promotion** Starting from october 15th to 31st ! Every day, we’ll be selecting a lucky winner daily who will receive a **FREE room fee!** 🏨✨ How to enter: 1.The lucky person will have the chance to pick a lucky envelope that contains their free room fee prize. 🎁 Join us in the celebration, and don’t miss out on your chance to win! Good luck to everyone! 🍀
  25. laluna1857:
    Nu spring spa @ Spanish / Japanese/ Korean girls in Markham 416-669-8508 call getting more info
  26. hiyamickey:
    Reinella wellness have 7 girls working: Jenny, Cici, Hatti, Lulu, Pinky, Ella, Queenie @6262 Hwy7 until #1 Vaughan ☎️:905-851-4888
  27. Jenny’s Spa:
  28. Sparkling Spa:
    ⚡🌟SPARKLING SPA⚡🌟 ✅50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8✅ 👌Markham, ON L3R 8X4👌 ☎️ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Line☎️ ☎️ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phone☎️ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥SUPERSTAR SERVICE QUEENS AVAILABLE AT SPARKLING SPA FOR ALL YOUR MASSAGE AND SPECIAL EXTRA NEEDS🔥💯😘🔥❤️👌 🔥SEXY NEW YOUNG GIRLS ALWAYS WORKING - Today’s Schedule is…🔥 Zoe - 🔥Stunning Tall Taiwanese Service Queen with Endless Passion and Sensuality who
  29. Sparkling Spa:
    ⚡🌟SPARKLING SPA⚡🌟 ✅50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8✅ 👌Markham, ON L3R 8X4👌 ☎️ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Line☎️ ☎️ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phone☎️ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥SUPERSTAR SERVICE QUEENS AVAILABLE AT SPARKLING SPA FOR ALL YOUR MASSAGE AND SPECIAL EXTRA NEEDS🔥💯😘🔥❤️👌 🔥SEXY NEW YOUNG GIRLS ALWAYS WORKING - Today’s Schedule is…🔥 Zoe - 🔥Stunning Tall Taiwanese Service Queen with Endless Passion and Sensuality who
  30. lotushubspa:
    Dear customers, Lotus Spa is located at 10737 Yonge St unit13. The girl who works today is named Anna💋Tiffany💋Amy💋. We have massages from Taiwan, China and Korea for you. First-class service. Come and try it quickly👍💋Please contact 9052375885💋 or SMS 4163565876💋
  31. SunriseRH:
    FRIDAY at 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘 𝗦𝗣𝗔: NANA & NAYLA. 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 27, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟮𝟱-𝟴𝟬𝟴𝟲 ☎️ NANA is a slim & pretty Chinese lady with liberal services. NAYLA is a tall, young, beautiful & curvy Spanish girl. Come and say hola. SUNRISE SPA, welcomes you to experience total relaxation in our comfortable, clean, cozy environment.
  32. NewOriental:
    FRIDAY at 🍏💚𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗦𝗣𝗔💚🍏: HAPPY & PHOENIX. 10 East Wilmot St, Unit 26, Richmond Hill, on ☎️ 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟯𝟴𝟭-𝟮𝟲𝟴𝟴 ☎️ HAPPY is a slim & busty Korean lady with great massage skills & lots of extra fun. PHOENIX is a gentle sweet Filipina lady, 5’4” and 105Lbs, with 34C-24-34 assets and very open minded. NEW ORIENTAL SPA
  33. Lulu_Villa_Spa:
    Jessica 💕💕 155 cm, 90Ibs Pretty Girl with amazing personality and super easy to get along 🥑 Sasa 💕 Sexy Vietnamese Body Type She is very sweet Provides Excellent Customer Service 🥑Judy💕 is a gorgeous model type Vietnamese Girl ☎️647-446-0886
  34. ASPA:
    𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗮𝘁 𝗔 𝗦𝗣𝗔: 𝗔𝗺𝘆 & 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗥𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗹 🅰️𝐀 𝐒𝐏𝐀🅰️, 28 South Unionville Ave, Unit 5, Markham. 🅰️𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟳𝟮𝟵-𝟲𝟲𝟬𝟲 𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝟲𝟰𝟳-𝟴𝟯𝟵-𝟱𝟵𝟲𝟲🅰️ AMY is young and very friendly, standing 158 Cms. with 34C Cups and a very nice bum. Amy is a very popular student, young, sexy, and open minded. She is in demand for her good massage
  35. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    ✨Click On Username and FOLLOW US✅ Today 🌸Fran 🌸Isabella 🌸Alisa 🌸Aletta 🌸Selina ☎905 - 265 - 2158☎️
  36. Soul Relax Spa:
    ✨Click On Username and FOLLOW US✅ Today 🌸Emily 🌸Nina 🌸Kim ☎289 - 298 - 5662☎️
  37. ForeverWarden:
    Friday at 🫦❤️🔴🟥♾️𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔𝓥𝓔𝓡 𝓢𝓟𝓐♾️🟥🔴❤️🫦 2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough 𝟰𝟭𝟲-𝟴𝟬𝟬-𝟳𝟴𝟴𝟳 : Bobo (New today), Mia & Sasa. Bobo is a small, slim and sexy lady, petite with all natural busty melons for your enjoyment. Mia is a Caribbean service queen temptress with incredible curves & very friendly attitude. She is able to bbbj like a queen, and is open to dfk and cfs.
  38. HolidaySpa:
    Friday at 🌴😎🌅𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓹𝓪🌅😎🌴3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough ☎️𝟰𝟯𝟳-𝟮𝟰𝟳-𝟭𝟭𝟵𝟵☎️ EVA, YOYO & CINDY EVA is young, slim, innocent & demure looks, but don’t let her innocent looks deceive. She can massage & service very well. YOYO is a very beautiful slim Chinese lady, 165Cms & 116 Lbs with natural D Cups and a very sexy figure. She provides the best versatile PSE services.
  39. Annie Spa:
    🎉🍒ANNIE SPA🎉🍒 ✅7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLE✅ 👌SCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6👌 ☎️ (647) 891-9688☎️ ☎️ (416) 291-8879☎️ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY 🔥✅NEW MANAGEMENT💯NEW GIRLS🔥🔥 🔥GORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAY’s ROSTER INCLUDES: 🔥 Baby😘🥰 A young, vibrant 22 year old petite spinner from Vietnam with a calm and welcoming presence. Her dark, flowing hair complements her soft, warm smile, creating an approachable and friendly atmosphere. She carries herself with
  40. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center : New Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Mia ,young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Vivi,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Yoyo,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella ,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry 🏠address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2☎️4376655510 👄👄🦵🦵🈵🈵👅👅
  41. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: New Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Lucky , Young girl pretty face big boobs nice figure deep massage Jessica ,Young girl Big-breasted big Big boobs big butts May, Young beautiful face sexy body and good deep massage Maggie,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary . 🏠 2560 Shepard Ave Mississauga unit 1 ☎️ 4379857899 🦵🦵👄👄🈵🈵👅👅
  42. See You Health Center:
    Candy💕 She is a Vietnamese With nice Sexy Slender Body, Curves and Sweet Melons 🥑 Cici💕 Cute Skinny Sexy Vietnamese Girl With Voluptuous Huge C Melons ☎ 416-988-2950
  43. tommyboy_69:
    united states
  44. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, Young Slim Petite Chinese Lin, Sexy Slim Chinese Kiki, Sexy Chinese Linda, Tall Slim Sexy Chinese Kelly, Young Sexy Chinese Abie
  45. Red Rose Spa:
    🌸 We have 5 hot brown girls today 🌸 KAVYA, CANDY, SALMA, MALIYA, MONIKA, SANA, PRIYA 🌸 2588 Birchmount 🌸 2 Invergordon 🌸 647-702-8800 🌸 Please visit for a great erotic massage
  46. bnwellness_wilson:
    Blue Nile Wellness Center, we have 4 beautiful young girls are working today , young sweet slime 30’s and Young fun Tina curvy body open mind, fun GFE Lina and sexy Coco are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in aways welcome, back entrance and parking available, 350 Wilson Ave North York
  47. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa♨️♨️♨️New combination 3 girls Luna and Mia and Tina👍The caring and gentle Mia will guide you in healthy physiotherapy, and the young and beautiful Tina's diversified massage techniques will provide you with hot services. Body slide🔥The mysterious little vortex WoW attracts you💯💯You are welcome to test it at any time and make an appointment👍5124 Dundas W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366
  48. Endless Joy Spa:
    ✨✨✨✨✨[GRAND OPENING]✨✨✨✨✨ 💞Endless Joy Spa💞 🎇 (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565🎇10am-2am, Young Slim Petite Chinese Lin, Sexy Slim Chinese Kiki, Sexy Chinese Linda, Tall Slim Sexy Chinese Kelly, Young Sexy Chinese Abie
  49. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa 🌹🌹🌹3 girls 🔥🔥🔥5124 Dundas St W Etobicoke☎️416-817-3366👍 New girl Cherry and Luna 😘😘😘😘Hot and sexy body, super body slide, very provocative service😘😘😘, professional super Vicky deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise😍😍😍😍❤️You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking spaces
  50. lotushubspa:
    Dear customers, Lotus Spa is located at 10737 Yonge St unit13. The girl who works today is named Mary💋Lisa💋Coco💋. We have massages from Taiwan, China and Korea for you. First-class service. Come and try it quickly👍💋Please contact 9052375885💋 or SMS 4163565876💋
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