When I yank the sheets off the table if I notice any make up stains, I'll spray the stain with, well honestly, the spray I use to clean/disinfect the table with. I did this one day out of desperation as we were starting to run low on face cradle covers that didn't have make up stains, and a client left me with a cover that looked like Avon had thrown up on it :shock: . The spray apparently cut through the oiliness and waxiness of the mascara, blush, and base the woman had been wearing, and came back clean.
Mind you, the health club I work at has industrial washers and dryers (that darn near washes the cotton out of the cotton sheets) so I wasn't concerned with residue from the spray staying with the covers. Where we would get stains before, with the spray, we get none now. I suppose any type of pre-treating spray applied before the make up is allowed to set for very long would probably do the same.