Blue Lagoon, Soft Hands, Studio 9, Alphacare, etc These dumps don't get closed down... but HFH does.
What is even more unbelieveable are the owners of these dumpy MPs. They don't realize their MPs may be open for a short while (1, 2 or maybe 3 more years) to make some coinage. An updated website would really help.:QUOTE]
I would not call Soft hands spa a dump.
In fact the setup is at par with the likes of Allure & Srm. The rooms are very nice and the showers are bigger then any other place (The only better one I can think of is the Vegas room @ Srm).
Lot a great girls(Like your fav. Alicia) have come to the top spas after working at Soft hands.
So why is it not in the same category ? Possibly the management and Their hiring scouts.