This can be difficult territory definitely.I too had to introduce my new kitten to my already fully grown black lab and it took a few monthes for them to be okay with each other. I think the key, or at least worked best for me. Was when introducing them to each other, never do it in an enclosed area. Give the kitten some leeway by being able to be higher up than your dog, and make sure your dog doesn't jump up or try to chase the new kitty around. Which will be difficult definitely. Don't leave them alone by any means until they are fully acquainted, at least a month anyway. Pretty much it'll all come down to letting them "sniff" each other out, and feel comfortable with each other on their own terms. Make sure you dog knows to behave around the kitty. That means if you have to scold your dog, then do it. Do not allow any misbehavior on her part. Of course being smaller and new, it is expected that your new kitty may "swat" at the dog. You dont want your dog to show aggresive behavior in return, because in a sense your kitty will learn from your dog what is acceptable behavior and what is not. Just make sure to pick the kitty up and seperate them when this does happen. You want them to feel comfortable in their new home. But that may mean "testing" their own limits with each other. If they socialize enough they will get used to each other, it may just take a while. My little kitten and dog did not get fully comfortable with each other for about two monthes. But when they were finally comfortable with each other, it was like they were sisters. Always sleeping together, they looked so cute and to this day are still perfectly happy together. Needless to day every animal is different, but with enough time, effort and patience I have no doubt they will be loving in each other in no time. Good luck!