i got a puppy. black lab/aust shep mix - 11 wks old. when we first brought her home i noticed she has major worms, got her shots and now i dont see anymore worms, but since that first day, i have had her fence in my kitchen and take her outside alot. i have a cat and young kids, one who is still crawling. i am nervous about letting her roam the house now. when do i let her explore the house and not keep her in the kitchen? i dont have a crate, so that is not an option at the moment. when do i know for sure she is free of worms? and do i just let her in the livingroom and hall but close the bedrooms for a few days? she is pretty ok with potty training, whines when she wants to go. im just scared about doing it too soon, about my baby on the floor....
so how or when should i go about letting her into the full house?
so how or when should i go about letting her into the full house?