Friendships between pets, especially cats and dogs who are mostly said to not get along with each other, absolutely delightful to behold. One such a video of a friendship between a ginger cat and an adorable Golden Retriever dog has been going all kinds of viral on Reddit. It opens to show how the cat can be seen getting something that looks very close to a ‘back massage’ from the pooch. This video has been shared on the social media platform along with a caption that sweetly describes what can be seen happening in this video and gives viewers more context. “The golden back massage,” it reads.
The video has been shared on the subReddit named r/AnimalsBeingBros. It has over 5.8 million members and its description reads, “A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being bros.” And there is a good chance that this particular video that has been posted on it and shows this adorable ginger cat and a caring Golden Retriever dog, will definitely make you keep watching it over and over again. It might also make you want to say, ‘aww.’
Watch it below:
Shared some two days ago, this video has received over 10,500 upvotes on it so far.
“These two look like heaven. I want pets so badly!” shared a Redditor. “And people say cats and dogs hate each other!” pointed out another individual. “Aww so sweet, what a beautiful duo of pets,” reads a third comment.
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