For any massage hands, fingers, arms, legs, feet and occasional the head are always my tools of choice. However there are times when you need to apply very deep specific pressure, doing so repeatedly can lead to injury of the therapist - never good. Using a tool to help can certainly help, i've looked at many different massage tools are there are only two I use in treatments and retail to my clients. One is the Omni Roller, I don't use it that often but it comes in useful occasionally and I have a few clients that have found it very helpful for use between treatments. The Knuckleballer is great on big muscular legs, but I *love* it for giving myself a foot massage - the little balls rolling over the soles of my feet feels delish.
And of course you can heat or cool the Omni Roller as you need - the stainless steel one is *very* heavy! And it looks nice on my display as a conversation point.
I have worked closely with Ellis of Omni Massage UK on a few projects, if you have any questions or would like to retail them yourself to clients I would definitely suggest giving him a call.
The other massage tool is the Angel Fingers, again very occasionally this can feel lovely for a slightly different feel to feathering. But I love that kind of touch myself - sends a shiver down my spine.