If you just joined, welcome! We are a group of people that enjoy massages and like to avoid rip-off's and poor service. Before asking any questions please find the "Search" area at the far right end of the menu bar at the top of the main page. This sight provides an excellent search program. You can search by company name or specific name of the 'masseuse'. This feature is a great time saver both for you and the rest of the members. Remember- this is a site for reviews and information. If all you do is "take" (ask questions) without "giving" (TOFTT and reviews) you quickly earn the disdain of the other members. Thank you!
Please don't reply to this thread. I created it only as a notice for newbies.
I will try to "bump" this thread up frequently so that it stays on the current page and newbies can see it right away.
If I fail to bump it up please feel free to reply and just type "bump" for your reply.