Definitely a very new gal…

Daisy, like today’s new girls Amy & Yaniq, got told,
job = massage 
… some guys hope 4 xxxtras, but they can decline, up2 them…
Daisy’s very shy

… feels it’s a bit rude or pushy offering, so frequently she doesn’t, although
@sorsaku got the offer b4 end of sesh … Amy’s ok w HE already, has some xxxperience… Yaniq = brand new, anyone’s guess… if u wanna HE w these new gals, b super clean & chill, relaxed, happy & flirting w them… then yer dreams could come true.
FYI … Daisy’s got lotsa reg clients now so u might need 2 book ahead 2c her… very young innocent

college girl, quite pretty face, slim spinner bod