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Why a Relaxation Massage is Essential in 2020! Male CMT Beltline

Why a Relaxation Massage is Essential in 2020! Male CMT Beltline


If you don't know why a relaxation massage is essential in 2020, then you don't need to read this ad, because you are living in a reality of your own making!

Other than every civilization-ending, environment-destroying and socio-political and economic calamity known to humankind overdue and scheduled to begin at any moment - from an asteroid colliding with earth and ending civilization and life as we know it. To a supervolcano in Yellow Park making noises like it is about to explode and blanket the earth in thick volcanic clouds, blacking out the sunlight and photosynthesis for years. To the North Magnetic Pole moving a distance of over 50 miles a year, making it no longer useful as a navigational reference for airplanes, ships and vehicles. And indicating to many scientists that the overdue polar flip has begun or is about to. If the magnetic poles flip, it is expected that it would take decades for the electromagnetic poles to become stable again and support life. Until then, all living species on earth including humans would have to live underground in caves and tunnels or the thin, evaporating atmosphere would allow UV sunlight to scald our skin and damage our DNA. Or consider that NASA has begun a series of bimonthly lectures releasing Top Secret Information about the military's investigation of UFOs. On the cover of Science magazine this month, the U.S. Military reveals that they have captured, possess and studied highly advanced intergalactic alien space craft . Insiders say this declassified intelligence is to prepare humanity for an inevitable alien invasion and/or a culture, religion and scientific shock-inducing revelation. The Covid-19 pandemic shut down the world as we knew it, nearly precipitated (and still may cause) a world-wide economic collapse. The ongoing demonstrations, violence and riots associated with Black Lives Matter continues around the world. Let me not forget the world-wide record-breaking unemployment. And I haven't yet mentioned the upcoming American election in which Trump is somehow still in the running.

Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stone Therapy, Acupressure Point Therapy and Energy Balancing alleviate muscle tension, and create a deep state of relaxation by activating the parasympathetic nervous system to down-regulate the sympathetic nervous system. Once the sympathetic nervous system shuts down, the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, is no longer prevented from acting on the GABA receptors that are present everywhere in the nervous system.

Deep relaxation massage allows GABA, the brain’s own tranquilizer, to down-regulate the brain’s electricity. When GABA is active, brain waves in the slow theta range (4 to 7 Hertz) increase. While brain waves in the higher frequency range play an important role in concentration, communication and problem solving, theta waves are important for maintaining a good balance in brain chemicals.

Acupressure Point Therapy and Deep Tissue massage uses pressure to target specific muscles that are knotted from holding onto ongoing and chronic tension and redistribute released energy.

Hands-of Light energy balancing has been shown to lower brain wave frequencies, increase physical relaxation, relax muscles and reduce inflammation.

Make a deep relaxation massage a regular part of your wellness program, especially when you experience increased stress, and before your energy and immune system is depleted.

Ask me about specially priced Core Relaxation Massage Packages that allow you to save money, while possibly also saving your life. ________

Text Michael for more info 587-703-0047 $60/1HR, 90/90 MIN, $120/2 HRS Private home studio in the Beltline with air conditioning, free parking, low led lighting, extra-wide massage table, and shower in a spa-like setting.
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