Therapeutic massage services

Therapeutic massage services


Working long hours daily on a weekly basis can be very taxing to your body. The physical stress can add up to become a nagging soreness. When was the last time you went for a really good massage? I invite you to experience my brand of massage. I structure the massage according to how your body works. I target specific areas that need the most attention. Your physical relief and well being is my goal. Hello. My name is Angela. I am a professionally trained and a highly experienced massage therapist. I cater to both males and females. I specialize in deep kneading, swedish and sports massage. However, I have developed my own fusion massage which combines stretching, deep kneading and swedish massage. I also include manual manipulation in my routines depending on the case at hand. I am available 9 til 9pm. 60/hr. For more info and to book an appointment, text or call Angela @ 5146510074. * I only do what I have posted. Pls do not hide your numbers so I can give you a call back if I miss your call. * Mobile/ home visitation service also available "A good massge is hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget."
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