Hawaii health spa, 3110 kingston rd. Scarborough, ON,  ☎️: 4162618088

Hawaii health spa, 3110 kingston rd. Scarborough, ON, ☎️: 4162618088

Hawaii health spa
3110 kingston rd.
Scarborough ON, m1m 1p2
☎️ : 416-261-8088
Host: Eva & linda

Carrot cock is not a legend

Eva is new to massage field, we talked about cocks , I told her that I have one customer named Alen, he has a big cock like carrot🥕😜 , I even can't circle it with my two hands put together " and I told her that I haven't see him for a while .
Eva said:" oh ? ! ,could be that big?!"
I said:" yes, but it is on the bottom , not all the way that big"
Eva said" oh!? "
It seemed that she has no idea about how big that cock could be.
we ended this conversation quickly.

Alen came in one day, I told Eva :"it is him, the carrot cock one."

After finished massage , Eva told me :" oh huge cock, i''ve never seen that big cock in my life, carrot 🥕 cock is not a tale indeed "
I added:" you see, two hands couldn't circle it "
Eva said :"yes, and it is so difficult to make him cum"
I said "blow him like the way pulling big carrots ."

When Alen came in the third time, Eva was busy with other customer ,Alan asked Eva, he had back pain, i massage first, Eva does services after.

while I was massaging Alan, one call in, it is my regular customer, he told me that he is coming in 10 minutes.

While I was waiting for the 10 minutes customer coming , another handsome guy came in, he asked Eva too, but Eva was busy with the carrot one, I told him to wait for Eva about 15 minutes.
He use to do 4 hands with me and Eva, so I gave him a bj while waiting for Eva , he told me:" hey , linda , don't make me cum yet, I want Eva, I can wait for Eva, i can wait for Eva."
I said :" yes, we waiting for Eva, as soon as Eva in , you explose ."
while I was blowing joking playing with this pretty cock , Eva was still pulling carrot next door , I could here Eva moaning and moaning, I know it is a hard job , I felt pity on her , poor girl ! hard worker!
At the same time, my one told me:" linda blow me faster , faster, I am cuming "
I said :"you don't wait for Eva?
He said:" no no I don't have much time, I am cuming "

As soon as he left, my apointment guy came in, Eva was still pulling carrot 🥕 next door , moaning and moaning, I felt pity on her more .
Later Eva said : "he is so much difficult to cum, oh! I feel that I was pulling carrot 🥕 out exhausting and with little tips"
I told Eva that i already did two customers and got good tips 😄😆.

I song a child song 🎵 :" Pull 🥕 pull 🥕 , oh oh oh, I can't pull it out, little cat, come quickly, help me pull the 🥕"
Eva said:" linda, you are bad, you don't help me pulling carrot, 😆 😆 hahaha "

My dears, this carrot cock story in my mind for a while, I write it down today, hope we girls make you guys laughing and happy , your happiness and healthiness are our first goals, we are here wishing you a:
We are open during holiday

Eva will be here today, her stable schedule is every Tuesday Thursday and Friday.
Linda lovely
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